Are your fishing waders feeling a little tight? Perhaps your riding pants are not buttoning as easily as they once did? This time of year often inspires well-intentioned, but fleeting commitment to strict diets and extreme exercise routines. Often times this pledge is followed up with throwing in the towel after a couple of slip ups due to fear of failure and guilt.
Why not try something new this year? Rather than throwing yourself head first into a new lifestyle, why not plan an adventure that will promote health and happiness throughout the entire New Year?
There are two forms of motivation: Extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is being motivated by external forces, something outside of oneself. This type of motivation includes things like wanting to look better, winning an award/trophy, or getting praised for looking like America’s Next Top Model. This form of motivation does not often result in long term changes, as it is difficult to keep striving for something that is outside of oneself. Intrinsic motivation is more correlated to long term changes. This is being motivated by something inside oneself. To be intrinsically motivated means you want to accomplish something because of personal satisfaction; the reward comes from inside oneself.
Climbing a mountain is a great example of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. You may be climbing the mountain so you can show off your rippling muscles as you pose for a photo on the summit; that would be an extrinsic motivator. On the other hand, you may be climbing the mountain to celebrate the fact that you have the health and stamina to climb a mountain and be present in nature. These would be intrinsic motivators.
So how do we create this shift in mindset? One way would be to plan a long term goal based on what creates happiness for you. Perhaps you are motivated by the thought of casting a fly rod in the small intimate Ruby River and reeling in a Grayling, or the excitement of landing a big rainbow trout on the larger, faster-flowing Lower Ruby. Maybe it is the adventure of backcountry horseback riding and seeing the rugged mountain ranges and wildlife of Montana that moves your soul. It could be reaching the summit of a Rocky Mountain peak and feeling like you’ve conquered the world.
Whatever it may be, planning and preparation for an exciting Montana adventure can inspire life-long healthy habits that not only create a better vacation experience, but create a healthier and happier version of yourself.
May 2019 be a year full of happiness and adventure.