Upper Canyon Outfitters (UCO) is one of my favorite places to get away from the daily routine
and just relax. As an avid fly fisher, I always enjoy fishing the upper and lower Ruby River in
scenic Montana. Staying at the ranch makes the whole experience even better.
Next week will be my sixth visit since discovering UCO in 2003, and I’m not alone: my brother,
Todd, is coming for his fifth visit; my friend, Les Kodlick, will be arriving for his third stay and
bringing his better half, Carol, for a second time; and, Les’ father, John, will be coming for his
second trip and bringing his wife, Paula, who will be seeing the ranch for the first time.
Over the last 11 years I’ve gotten to know the ranch hosts, Donna (Tate) and Jake McDonald,
pretty well. Donna and I stay in touch even during the years I haven’t managed to get there.
They run a great operation and manage to hire wonderful people who enhance the guest
Since I have more than 35 years in public relations, Donna and I often discuss how to promote
the ranch and every once in a while I come up with a useful idea. Les has spent some time in
the communications business, too, recently retiring as a Brigadier General in the U.S. Air Force,
where he headed up public affairs. So given our backgrounds, Les and I decided we might be
able to help Donna share what a great place UCO is by blogging about our experience while
we’re there.
Les and his family will be doing more than fishing this year, so he can share adventures that
happen away from the river, such as hiking and horseback riding. Todd and I just fish: fly fishing
is the reason we first came to the ranch and the reason we keep coming back, so that’s what I’ll
be sharing.
Full disclosure: Les and I are blogging about our stay as friends of Donna and Jake and fans of
their operation. This isn’t work for either of us and we’re not getting any special consideration.
We just want to share the experience. (Besides, Les is bored with the whole retirement thing
and has a new camera he wants to try out).
For anyone who’s been to the ranch before, we hope our posts will bring back some good
memories and maybe inspire you to come back soon. For anyone thinking about a new kind of
summer experience, we’ll give you good reasons to stop thinking about it and come visit.
Please share any comments or questions below. We’ll get back to you when we’re not off
enjoying ourselves somewhere. I’m looking forward to some great fishing and fun times. We
arrive on Saturday, August 9, so expect updates for the next week starting around the 10th.
P.S.: If you’re a hunter coming to UCO during the week we’re there, let us know if you are
interested in sharing your experience. Les and I will be happy to help you edit, proofread and
post your accounts.